Friday, August 9, 2013


Marni Bringhurst ...once upon a time, about 4 years ago, we were up north visiting my Grandma in Holbrook. When we arrived, she was soooo excited to tell that she had found THIS SHOE!! Thinking it was Jackson's shoe and knowing that we had probably been missing it for quite some time, she was excited that she had found it for us. The "pair" would finally be back together. The only problem was, this was not Jackson's shoe. We tried and tried to explain this to my Grandma, that this indeed was not OUR missing shoe and we had NO clue where it came from or whose shoe it was. She INSISTED it was Jackson's and we MUST take it home to be the matching shoe. So, as a good granddaughter that I am, I put the shoe in my luggage to take it home. SOMEHOW it ended up in my mom's suitcase and when she unpacked from our trip, she found THIS SHOE in HER suitcase. I have NO clue how it got there!! I would NEVER do that! Since then, EVERY Holbrook trip that my mom and I take together, this DANG shoe ends up in one of our suitcases. When I unpack from our trip, sometimes I'll find this shoe back in my luggage or sometimes in my dirty clothes bag! WEIRD!!! So, every once in a while, I "gift" my mom back this shoe... sometimes I put a gift card inside of it or sometimes just a plant for her. I hadn't mentioned anything about the shoe for about a year, hoping that it would be a nice surprise for her once she found it back in her suitcase after this last girls trip to Holbrook. Dang if that shoe didn't end up in my mailbox a week later! I REALLY thought my mom would love my "gift of shoe" to her, but I guess she wants me to keep it for another year... the shoe lives on!

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