Sunday, October 7, 2012

I am hesitant sometimes in expressing how I feel about the personal part of my life. I saw this cute little "ditty" and decided I would just post it on my blog. In 50 years, someone might read the printed book of my blog posts and I wanted them to be sure and know what I believe! Now, I am assuming someone in 50 years will be reading my blog book. WOW! Quite the assumption. Okay. If it is just my great-great grandchildren, I will be happy. I joined the church 46 years ago and there has NOT been one day I have ever regretted it! It hasn't always been easy. When I was a young mother with 6 kids, I was serving in our youth group as a leader. I was gone a lot teaching, leading, and serving the young women in my ward. Trying to juggle everything was a bit hard. But, I also have come to realize that "where much is given, much is required". And, being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, has given me much more than I could ever return. The teachings have helped me be a better mother, wife, person, and servant of the Lord. For that, I am thankful! The saying "it takes a village to raise a child", is another reason I am thankful. The Church activities kept my kids busy in righteous activities with good friends! 
I also cannot forget the family history I have traced! What a wonderful experience to travel back through time and "meet" the family members that went before!
 And, for me, the most wonderful thing about the Church, is the knowledge I have gained about the atonement! What Christ did for me and every other person who has ever lived in miraculous in my life! If I truly repent of my sins, I can be forgiven and eventually live forever with my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ! Now, for the best part...I can live forever with my earthly family if we all follow that straight and narrow path! YES!!! I love this Church. You don't have to believe in it's truth to partake of its peace. But, I DO!


Shay said...

Sooo great! What a great example you have been to your children, grandchildren and all those that have been fortunate to come in contact with you! I love you and look up to you! Love you!!

Tricia said...

Shay says it perfectly! I agree!!!