Friday, November 9, 2012


Cub Scouts had a "round-up" and they asked for some help with the obstacle course that was planned. It was indoors, so  chairs, cones, and caution tape were used to designate the course to follow. These are four of the "obstacles" that were on the path the scouts traveled that I made. Colin helped me make a hurdle out of PVC pipe that the boys had to step over and we painted it a bit of a camouflage color. It all turned out quite cute, even if I do say so myself!!! Thanks Colin for your help! He was helpful in "rolling his eyes" when I got carried away with some of my out-in-left-field ideas for other obstacles. So, he helped me not embarrass myself! 


Shay said...

I love all your left field ideas!!! Why do you think I do them to!! Love these and will definetly have to copy this someday!

Moira-Lin said...

You are so creative and always give 100% to everything you do! I love it!!