Monday, February 11, 2013

         Let me introduce Mr. Pigeon. He has been in the family for about 5 or so years now. He flew into our family while we were in Holbrook visiting Great Grandma (GGMa). Our story starts with some kindness on John Bringhurst's part. You see, Gregg and I and the Bringhurst family had gone to Holbrook to visit and do work for GGMa. She needed some yard work done, along with a few other odds and ends. We were all working hard and being summer, it was also a bit warm. No one complains because we like helping GGMa and we really do enjoy being in Holbrook (don't ask why because none of us will know). Anyway, John saw a need at the neighbor's house to mow their front lawn. They are friends of GGMa and also quite elderly. So, off he went and did a very nice job. I had gone into the neighbor's house to visit and the lady of the house was very grateful we were working for them. She wanted to give me some money and of course, I said no because we liked helping them. So, out of the kindness of her heart, she went into her room and came out with Mr. Pigeon. He had been in her family for a long while, she said, and she wanted me to have it. I told her she was too kind and I just couldn't take it. But, being the kind lady she is, she insisted. THAT'S how Mr. Pigeon came to belong to our family. However, being the nice person I am, I took Mr. Pigeon right over to John and told him that Mrs. Neighbor insisted he have this heirloom. He kind of eyed me up and then said, "She gave that to you, didn't she?" "Oh, no", I said. "She insisted it goes to you for your kindness". So, the rest of our stay in Holbrook was full of Mr. Pigeon sneaking his way into the suitcase of one family and then he would sneak into the suitcase, purse, shaving bag, or whatever he would fit in of the other family!!!
    Thus began the saga of Mr. Pigeon. Every Christmas, birthday, mother's day, father's day, and even just plain days have been filled with Mr. Pigeon sneaking back into the home of  one another's family. The Gregg Inman family became owners of it at Christmas time this year after living with the Bringhursts for several years and even going through a move with them. 
                         But, Mr. Pigeon feels he has had enough of this back and forth business. He wanted to branch out and see the world. So, this year he has begun traveling. His first stop in January was here...
This is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. John Bringhurst went there on his mission a few years back, and Mr. Pigeon wanted to visit there and see the sights. 
In February,  he stopped here...
The Bringhurst family loves camping and Clint's Well is one of their favorite spots. I guess Mr. Pigeon just feels more comfortable with the things John loves. 
I am kind of excited to see where Mr. Pigeon goes next. Ya never know when he might get tired of traveling and just settle down again...over at the Bringhurst's home!


Shay said...

Hahaha! I LOVE this!! Can't wait to see where he goes!

Sassy Sites! said...

HAHAHAHA!!!!! This is soooo GREAT!!! You just go ahead and keep that sweet little pigeon at your house where he will be safe and sound! Really... I INSIST!

Mom O' Nine said...

Lucky pigeon. I'd tell him to stay away from Carnival cruise ships, though.