Thursday, March 7, 2013


Sometimes in this life, I have found myself listening to the voices of the world, and have truly wondered if I was really of any worth. Now, don't get me wrong. I know Heavenly Father loves me and values every person on earth. But, I haven't quite thought of myself the same way. 
When I was a young mother with a litter of 6 children, I sometimes wondered if anyone valued what I was doing. I KNOW, without a shadow of doubt, that being a mother is the best, most valuable thing a woman can ever do. These children are our hope for the future-our contribution to the continuation of the world-the legacy we leave to our posterity-the prayer of millions who count on our children to change the world for the better. In that area of life, I felt of value. My children are all great human beings, productive citizens, wonderful parents, who made being a mother easy!! 
The part of life I have been thinking about is the mundane parts of life. Sometimes I just feel taken for granted! So, instead of just complaining to myself and feeling sorry that no one thinks of me as the wonder woman of life, I sat down and made a list of the things I do and what it would have cost to pay someone through the years to do them. I tried very hard to be realistic and not over-pay myself ( I know I do excellent work), but I tried to go on the prices I have heard quoted by people who actually do have these kinds work done for them.

I am basing my calculations on the 43 years I have been married (almost).

1. The boys never had "real" haircuts until they left for their missions. Haircuts-2 boys for 19 years at about        $15 a hair cut=$6480
Haircuts for 1 husband for 42 years =$7560

2. House Cleaning-42 years and $150 every two weeks for 42 years=$151,200

3. Cooking-$300 per week for 42 years=$604,800

4. Childcare =$125 per child per week=$750X4 (=one month)=$3000 X12 (=one year)=$36,000X5 (5 years)= $180,000
     After school care for 5 years for 6 children-per week=$30X6 (children)=$180X4 (weeks per month)=$720 per month X 12 =8640 per year X 5=$43,200 EQUALS $223,200

5. Laundry-$100 per week X 4 =$400 per month X12=$4800 per year X 42 =$201,600

6. Lawn work-$80 per week X 4=$320 per month X 6 (only lawn care 6 months a year)=$1920 per year X 42 =$80,640

Worked outside of the home approximately 14 years = $215,400 roughly

TOTAL = $1,670,880
This does not count:

Grocery Shopping
Doctor's Visits
Sport's activities
School activities (during and after school)
Sewing kid's clothes instead of buying
Sewing costumes (kids never had store bought)
Took cake decorating class so I could do all of their birthday cakes and all but 2 of their wedding cakes
Religious "running around" and teaching

All of this brought me to this thought...WOW!! Women who stay home do a lot!! NEVER let anyone ever say to us again "YOU'RE ONLY A HOUSE WIFE"? or "YOU ARE A STAY AT HOME MOTHER?" and make us feel less than we are. The money figures only tell the major things we have to pay for in this life. The love and care we give to our families is priceless! So, I guess I feel a bit more valued today than yesterday.


Mom O' Nine said...

I felt I was valuable while the kids were small, and felt I was the one who would love my kids more than anyone else except their dad. Now they are grown, and I have lost employment skills, and I am getting old, flabby, slow, and it was pointed out to me that I am nearing the 'last quarter' of my life, I've felt a little down....until I remind myself how close to "Act III" I am getting. Then I perk up. Nice post, Carla.

Moira-Lin said...

Love this post! Women have the hardest job of all, but in the end when we look at the children we have raised I guess it's all worth it. I'm going to go tell Jason he owes me a heck of a lot of money :) Not that he can pay me any of it LOL

Mom - you were such a great mother growing up and are one of my best friends now. I am SO grateful for you!

Shay said...

You didn't even calculate the "adult" years of being a mother. That is worth at least acouple million......therapist, babysitter, bank, life coach,on call doctor, event organizer, party planner, and I could go on and on! You are one amazing momma! LOVE YOU!!!